Saturday, March 15, 2008


I recently discovered this book.

It is authored by David Kinnaman, the President of The Barna Group (the guys that brought us 'Revolution', one of my favorite books on the subject of modern-day christianity).

What makes this book interesting is that it studiously reveals what we've all suspected... that modern-day christianity has a real image problem. Those who do not consider themselves to be Christ-followers largely look on christianity negatively.

I'm just digging into it. But so far, I agree...

Yeah... I got through the whole thing and I can say that while I do not disagree with the conclusions of this book, I found them to be shallow and somewhat elementary. Nothing wrong with what is expressed here-- just nothing new.


Bill Heroman said...

The blog title HAD to be you, Jeff! Nice, once again.

I just found you, and I appreciate very much what you wrote about (and did) on March 2nd. Praise the Lord.

There's a time to every purpose under heaven, and I'm still hoping to pitch in (as opposed to "punking out" again) somehow, somewhere. I haven't found my place yet, but I'm glad you've found one for however long it lasts. Enjoy, brother.

Enjoy the Lord.

jefe said...

Yeah, it's a good place for us.

Thanks for stopping by. I don't write on here as much. But every now and then...
